
Showing posts from December 26, 2021

‘a virus will come from siberia in 2022 and spread rapidly to the world’ leading astrologer baba vanga’s intimidating predictions for the new year

 ‘a virus will come from siberia in 2022 and spread rapidly to the world’ leading astrologer baba vanga’s intimidating predictions for the new year  ‘a virus will come from siberia in 2022 and spread rapidly to the world’ leading astrologer baba vanga’s intimidating predictions for the new year London (monitoring desk) babawanga, bulgaria’s late astrologer, has made predictions about the next several decades. Many of his predictions in the past have been correct, including the death of princess diana, the collapse of the soviet union, the union of east and west germany, and the 9/11 attacks, according to baba vanga’s followers. Now some predictions of baba vanga made for 2022 have also come to light. According to the daily star, babawanga predicts that australia and asian countries will face floods and earthquakes in 2022 and a large number of people will die. Baba vanga has also predicted a new outbreak like corona virus in 2022. According to him, the deadly virus will be discovered i

Year-end report: 2021, a year when China encounters "ambush on all sides"

Year-end report: 2021, a year when China encounters "ambush on all sides"  Year-end report: 2021, a year when China encounters "ambush on all sides"  In 2021, the CCP will continue to destroy the legal system and freedom in Hong Kong, create "genocide" in Xinjiang, conduct military intimidation against Taiwan, economic coercion against countries such as Australia and Lithuania, and try to export the so-called "Chinese model." In addition, during this year, the CCP has also strengthened its control over private enterprises, and its control over public opinion and information has also reached a new level. The CCP’s various practices have made many countries feel uneasy and worried about the direction of China’s rise. From North America to Europe, to East Asia to South Asia to Australia, more and more major countries are reassessing their relations with China. With regard to Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the South China Sea, which are regarded as